Friday, 13 March 2015

5 Reasons Why Depression and Anxiety are all about a Lack of Ambition

A lot of people think that without depression and anxiety help, they are doomed to a life of forever feeling as they currently feel, but in reality it’s often about their ambition, or lack thereof, and here’s why:

1: A lot of feelings of depression and anxiety come from the fact that you aren’t doing very much; you don’t feel like you’re contributing to society, so why not start? A lack of ambition won’t make you feel motivated to go and do big stuff, so start small, find daily chores or little ways to help your fellow man out. Hold a door open, help someone pick something up, every little bit helps.

2:Lack of ambition often stems from self-doubt, something that goes hand in hand with depression, you feel like you aren’t good at anything or good enough to do anything. Figure out what you’re best at and try to use it as your tool to raising your self-esteem.  If you really can’t even find anything you may seek some depression and anxiety help.

3: Some people feel like they will never get anywhere in life and never be able to obtain anything important, so they think, why bother trying? This leads people to end up getting in a situation they tell themselves they like when they really don’t and then just feel like they are stuck there. Don’t let society bring you down; if you really want something, you can get it.

4:Most people you see the most stressed out in the work place are ones who are working simply to pay the bare minimum. People get trapped in jobs they hate just to upkeep a certain kind of lifestyle they don’t really care about, they become anxious every day because they can never actually enjoy themselves. Hey, it’s better to be poor and happy than wealthy and miserable.

5:Even if people have a dream of what they want to be one day, there are many physical and mental hurdles often in their way. They begin to think “Well, I can never do this then!” And this feeling of emptiness will make them very depressed, when really there are always steps you can take to better yourself and do whatever you want.

Hopefully what you can take away from this is that you aren’t doomed, if you are seeking depression and anxiety help the solution is right in front of you! If you can be aware of your lack of ambition you can take small steps to adjust it and lead a happier, less anxious life. For more info visit

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